Lets say I have list like this... <ul> <li class=\"one\">One</li> <li class=\"two\">Two</li>
I am using Jcrop on an image that is resized with css for uniformity. JS <script type=\"text/javascript\">
I have an element contained in a parent element with the class active, like so: <div class=\"active\">
I am sure I have had this working before, but under jQuery UI 1.7.2 and 1.8.7 it appears that addClass(class, duration) is no longer working. I cannot even get the demo to work either (in any browsers
I\'m puzzled on how to work this so not all of the <li> items load on a page refresh. The filtering works fine on each link selection in the <ul> \"filter\", but on a page reload, all <
I have this menu structure that is used to navigate through content slider panels. <div id=\"menu\">
I have the following HTML <div id=\"testID\" class=\"test1\"> <img id=\"testID2\" class=\"test2\" alt=\"\" src=\"some-image.gif\" />
The class is set on an <li> by it being clicked. Now a nested element (<button>) will not remove the class from it\'s parent.
I currently have a table with rows that contain a clickable link. When a user clicks a link from any table row JQUery\'s UI Modal DIalog popups up and i add a class to the clicked links parent tr call