In my code I\'m using four grids, I\'ve set the row height in css like this: .x-grid3-row td {line-height: 50px;}
I need to add the property to an existing item FormPanel. code: Application.TypesForm = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, {
The problem is that in the derivation of several forms, the field VerticalsComboBox shifts to the previous form. Here\'s a picture:
I m developing a form using ext-js. I hve addedbuttons. by clicking the save button it shows msg asking for the confirmation having 2 buttons ok and save. But i m nt getting how to give different mess
is there a way to apply data to \"regular\" fields and subitems without using the an XTemplate? My code looks like:
I am trying to create a floating panel over other pre-created panels, I tried following simple codes, but failed:
Proxy update on ExtJS is not loading my update API instead it loads URL which I use to display data on GRID.
I\'m working with a script which seems to use Ext.Ajax.request (with ExtJS 3) to send cross-domain requests - some of them POST requests. Considerations are being made to move away from ExtJS3 (perhap
Hi i have a formpanel with remote combobox, the store is jsonstore and is get from webservices with paging results, everything is well, but when you pick an option form the combo always pick the first
I have a form panel that uses a table layout to display a form. I need to add in functionality to add /remove a set of components.