I feel stupid... my desire is to write HTML5 using XML and I can\'t get ANYTHING to work, for instance:
I\'m trying to test an Activity in android which will show a ProgressDialog and everything works fine in the App, however when I try to use ActivityUnitTestCase and the test causes the Activity to sho
旅行的解解 2022-05-10 22:19 开发者_开发百科精彩回答0.5元偷偷看……Pocky丶 开发者_运维知识库2022-05-10 22:22
M33****212 202开发者_如何学编程2-05-16 10:54 没解锁稻妻的话很难升级雷神,天云草实可以通过尘歌壶种植获取,但雷霆数珠和熔毁之刻就只能分别通过击败雷音权现和女士来获得,所以你需要先练好其他角色(必要
I found that is possible to retrieve the mouse position in IE outside the document or even the browser window, by us开发者_运维知识库ing \"window.onblur\" or \"window.onfocusout\" or something like th
I have a CActiveRecord model, and I need to change safe attributes list in that model. I have defined the safeAttributes method inside my model, lik开发者_运维知识库e the following :