I am trying to canonicalize an html text node by com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/c14n/Canonicalizer.java class. My input file has carriage return and a line feed at the end. Upon canonicaliza
i want to to persist some filenames for the user (e.g. recent files). Let\'s use six example files: c:\\Documents & Settings\\Ian\\My Documents\\Budget.xls
i want to Canonicalize a Stax object, the program it\'s doing it with DOM, but dom can\'t manage big XML documents (like 1GB), so STAX it\'s the solution.
I\'m using xmlseclibs to try and sign a SOAP document, but it does not seem to canonicalize things in the same way depending on whether I\'m signing or validating.
For a search bot, I am working on a design to: * compare URIs and * determine which URIs are really the same page
I have a problem verifying a SOAP message timestamp and body. Before starting to write any code I\'m trying to verify it by myself, these are the steps I followed to verify the timestamp: