When my Floating-Point Guide was yesterday published on slashdot, I got a lot of flak for my suggested comparison function, which was indeed inadequate. So I finally did the sensible thing and wrote a
I am using MinHash algorithm to find similar images between images. I have run across this post, How can I recognize slightly modified images? which pointed me to MinHash algorithm.
In my work I have with great results used approximate string matching algorithms such as Damerau–Levenshtein distance to make my code less vulnerable to spelling mistakes.
I\'m doing a fuzzy lookup on a view of a table which does a fine job returning similarities with the occasional exception, and I can\'t seem to figure out what is causing the problem.
I have a very large database of jpeg images, about 2 million.I would like to do开发者_运维百科 a fuzzy search for duplicates among those images.Duplicate images are two images that have many (around h
I have a table that has ordernumber, cancelled date and reason. Reason field is varchar(255) field and it was written by many different sales rep and really hard to group by the reason category I need
I\'m wondering if there is some kind of way to do fuzzy string matching in PHP. Looking for a word in a long string, finding a potential match even if its mis-spelled; something that would find it if