I am trying to follow an eclipse and android tutorial from ibm. The source code from the tutorial is giving me an error that says ContentURI cannot be resolved to a type..
明媚如初 2022-06-06 08:04 与爱同行 心存感恩,与爱同行: 心里怀着感恩之情,做什么事都是从爱的角度出发。
刘骞骞 2022-06-16 04:51 开发者_StackOverflow社区 阎罗王面前-没放回的鬼绝对对搪瓷玻璃杯
I have a (old) Flash Document \".fla\" file created in Flash 8. It just has a static textbox with \"Hello World\"(many more text boxes) in it .