今天行业中曝光了是vivo X Fold 2新机的消息,此前的两款折叠屏销量不错,而且积攒了非常好的口碑,新一代的vivo X Fold 2正在筹备中,将内置4800mAh双电芯电池,并且支持120W闪充,这也是折叠屏手机首次出现120W快充
去年8月,三星发布了折叠旗舰手机Galaxy Z Fold 4,现在其迭代机型的消息也来了。
昨晚。小米13系列正式发布,在发布会上小米还推出了MIX Fold 2新配色月光银和玄夜黑,12GB+256GB售价8999元,12GB+512GB售价9999元,12GB+1TB售价11999元。
() 12月12日消息:三星最新折叠智能手机的拆解报告显示,估计零件的成本占约40%,比苹果最新iPhone的零件成本占比更低。三星大量采用韩国本土所选的零件来生产该机型,本土零件的比率约50% 。
据GSMArena今日消息,一款型号为Google Felix的新机现身Geekbench跑分平台,传闻该机就是谷歌Pixel Fold折叠手机。
I have learned the basic difference between foldLeft and reduceLeft foldLeft: initial value has to be passed
I have a nested map m which is like: m = Map(\"email\" -> \"a@b.com\", \"background\" -> Map(\"language\" -> \"english\"))
I want to write a short functional sum-function for a List of BigDecimal and tried with: def sum(xs: List[BigDecimal]): BigDecimal = (0 /: xs) (_ + _)
There are lots of good questions and answers about foldl, foldr, and foldl\' in Haskell. So now I know that:
UPDATE - Solution Thanks to jacobm for his help, I came up with a solution. // Folding Recursion let reverse_list_3 theList =