I must confess to being largely ignorant on most of the high-tech security issues relevant for web applications, but there is one thing I at least thought I could ask because it is a direct question w
What\'s the simplest way to upgrade a VB.NET site to using encrypted passwords?Are there easy to use encryption algorithms built in to System.UI?
Could you please help me !!!! For example, I load some page into opera/Firefox etc., there is a text on the page (which is a link). What I need is to find position of the text on the screen and send m
I want my application to encrypt a user password, and at one time password will be decrypted to be sent to the server for authentication. A friend advise me to use HMAC.开发者_开发技巧 I wrote the fol
Suppose we are writing a class (let\'s call it Class) in an iPhone program.In all the samples out there, the init methods are typically declared like this:
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