I want to parse a vector of the following struct: BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT( event_model::OTNDescriptor,
I want to write a function in C++ to replace C\'s sscanf that assigns the matches to iterator. Basically, I want something like:
Below is a fully self-contained example.The problem appears to be lines 84-89 - if those lines are commented out, the example compiles. What I\'m trying to parse is each line of a file, with five colo
I\'ve been using Qi and Karma to do some processing on several small languages. Most of the grammars are pretty small (20-40 rules). I\'ve been able to use autorules almost exclusively, so my parse tr
Like, many of these other questions, I\'m trying to parse a simple grammar into a tree of structs using Boost.Spirit.Qi.
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication> #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
I´m working with Spirit 2.4 and I\'d want to parse a structure like this: Text{text_field}; The point is that in text_field is a escaped string with the symbols \'{\', \'}\' and \'\\\'.
I just started to dig into Boost::Spirit, latest version by now -- V2.4. The essense of my problem is following:
I just found out about the Boost Phoenix library (hidden in the Spirit project) and as a fan of the functional-programming style (but still an amateur; some smal开发者_运维知识库l experience with hask
In this example, employee structs are parsed in the form \"employee{int, string, string, double}\". I would like to know whether it is possible to modify this example to also parse different types of