1.《秘密森林2》 这部电视剧是赵承佑和裴斗娜主演的电视剧。该剧讲述了一个检察官情绪失控,试图揭开检察官办公室的秘密,找到真凶的震撼而悬疑的故事。除了前辈裴斗娜和赵承佑的原班人马外,该剧还包括惠泉镇
I have an Entity Framework project, and it imports a read-only view as one of the entities.This view is related to other entities, and when I attempt to update those entities, it tries to update the v
Below is url that chart I am using. http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=lc&chco=99C754&chs=400x150&chds=20,1&chd=t:1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0&chxt=x,y&chxl=0:|12/07/09|12/14/09|12
I am considering migrating from subversion to git. One of the things we use subversion for our sysadmins to manage things like configuration files. To that end, we put $URL$ into each file, which expa