Is there a way to control the Maven embedded Tomcat version? mvn tomcat:run This command will run a Tomcat 6.0.16 instance. I\'d like to run a 5.5 version of Tomcat. Is there a way to configure thi
I\'m running Tomcat6 locally on Mac OS 10.5.8. Our staging and production servers have setup an environment variable of:
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. 开发者_Go百科 Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citatio
I don\'t know how to access my deployed war file like this 开发者_JAVA百科Instead I have to access it i.e
Scenario: foo.war file contains a开发者_如何学运维 default value of init parameter fooParam=1.
I am using Apache Commons IO FileUtils utility to read a file into a byte array. The file is 1.13 gigabytes in size. Each time this method is called, I get an out of memory error. I have this running