The basic difference is that weak references are supposed to be claimed on each run of the GC (keep memory footprint low) while soft references ought to be kept in memory until the GC actually require
Is there a way to force the jvm that it should clear all WeakReferences (or all keys of a WeakHashMap) if they aren\'t referenced by regular references anymore?
I haven\'t used PhantomReferences.There seems to be very few good examples of real-world use. When a phantom shows up in your queue, how do you know which object it is/was?The get() method appears to
I started getting the exception below after starting to use a class from an open source MVVM framework that uses weak references to prevent memory leaks.
Ive been working on an app for a while that uses lots of Bitmaps and Ive gotten it to the point where its working really well on most devices that Ive tested it on except for a newer droid bionic that
I want a pointer where I can tell when the reference count is one. Essentially the pointer works like a weak_ptr, but the cleanup needs to be manual. That is, every so often the program goes through a
Following is a sample code of our application, where we are trying to keep a weak reference of a huge page model object, which takes a lot of memory.
I\'m working on a project in Lua where I will be creating tables and storing them in a master table, to be erased at a later time. I will pass around references to these tables to other sibling tables
I am currently rolling my own little ORM, and find myself faced with the task of creating a canonicalizing mapping in order to prevent loading the same entity from the database more than once.
I was reading this due to some memory issues I was having in my code relating to weak references, when I came across this little note: