I have the following contents in a file called test2.txt. >>> def faulty(): ... yield 5 ... return 7
I am getting into testing in python and I asked myself how to test this method. def get_response(self, url, params):
I am using python nose to run a bunch of doctests in subdirectories. The calling script is nose.cmd: nosetests --with-doctest --doctest-extension=rst
I have a module applications/webapp/modules/a.py that contains a local_import to import applications/webapp/modules/b.py. I want to doctest a.py and b.py. The web2py shell with \"-T\" option partially
I am writing a short tutorial, and would like to be able to run the examples therein using python\'s doctest using
I am on a learning stage of using python as a tool for software QA. I wrote the next simple test in order to find the letter \'a\' in a text file number matrix.
I can\'t get a doctest to work with a result which contains multiple lines and may contain empty lines at the beginning. This is probably caused by indentation and parsing issues. I\'ve figured out so
I\'m having trouble using doctest with relative imports.The simple solution is just to get rid of the relative imports.Are there any others?
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This is probably a silly question. I am experimenting with python doctest, and I try to run this example