I\'ve got a bit of a problem. I\'m working in the Castle Windsor IOC Container. Now what i wanted to do is just mess about with some AOP principles and what i specifically want to do is based on a met
When using Spring AOP to create a proxy for a class using NameMatchMethodPointcutAdvisor and BeanNameAutoProxyCreator does this essentially proxy every call to the object, but only apply the advice to
紫影蓝星惹 2022-05-18 22:33 开发者_运维百科我是贵州六枝这里的,前年冬天的时候与他们彭经理签订的合同,贵公司相关证件都齐全,公司是2007年成立的,当时签订合同的时候彭经理还复印了张贵公司营业执照给我
I don\'t know the meaning of using proxy in spr开发者_开发百科ing. what is efficient?Proxies are used by AOP. In short:
I have tables as below table A emp_code | emp_name table B emp_code | id table C emp_code | id I want to get emp_name so I do:
I got an interface like this public interface IService { void InterceptedMethod(); } A class that implements that interface and also has another method
Many modern frameworks (Sp开发者_StackOverflow社区ring, Hibernate) provide very nice dynamic behaviors with use of Java dynamic proxies, but what\'s the exact performance cost associated with it? Are
I\'m trying to use Castle.DynamicProxy2 to cleanup code within NHibernate persisted classes. Here is a simple version of it.