In my company we use .def files to specify the symbols that need to be exp开发者_如何学Goorted. (I wish I could use a more modern and automated technique, unfortunately, the guys who decide live back
This is how I have my export function declared at the moment: extern \"C\" __declspec(dllexport) Iexport_class* __stdcall GetExported_Class();
I\'m working on a (rather horrible) project that involves importing a C++ class hierarchy through a dll interface.One of the more horrible details requires me know the \'decorated\' names for the vari
I have created a simple GUI using Windows Forms in visual C++ 2008. There is a button in the GUI. When the button is pressed I want mouse cursor to point at coordinates (0,900). I have created separat
I am developing a COM dll and trying to export the DllGetClassObject() method with the __declspec(dllexport).
I hope to LoadLibrary on an unmanaged C++ DLL with managed code, and then call GetProcAddress on extern functions which have been mangled. My question is are the mangled names you get from a C++ compi
I manage project for JNI for both compilers: MSVC++ 8.0 and 9.0, my cpp file contains following implementation:
Imagine you\'d like to write a program that tests functions in a c++ dll file. You should enable the user to select a dll (we assume we are talking about c++ dlls).
I have a basic WIX custom action: UINT __stdcall MyCustomAction(MSIHANDLE hInstaller) { DWORD dwSize=0; MsiGetProperty(hInstaller, TEXT(\"MyProperty\"), TEXT(\"\"), &dwSize);
I need to use a third party DLL which I don\'t have header , lib or object file of it just DLL alone, I follow this article \"Explicitly Linking to Classes in DLL\'s\" in codeguru and able to user fun