I\'ve generated a class by taking the bytes of a base class and accepting them through a custom class adapter. When I call define class on the bytes produced as a product of the base class I get this
I am trying to make a Daemon class in java so I have implemented a class which implements Daemon but when I run it, I always get errors.
I have the following package structure where im trying to run a sample hibernate app Source files: /home/chander/workspace/HibernateApp/src/com/hib/TranslateSQL.java
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <project name=\"Example\" default=\"pmd\" basedir=\".\">
I have tried again my jsp coding with taglid.This time round, everything seems to work except when I run it, the following error appears:
I\'m using NetBeans IDE to code my Ja开发者_如何学运维va program. A few days ago, I had it working the way I wanted to. Now that I opened it again to add some changes and comments, this java.lang.NoCl
I am generating code with CodeModel during annotation processing with maven. That code is for JUnit testing:
public class PropHolder { public static Properties prop; static { //code for loading properties from file
I have a large program, that i modified in java. I used开发者_开发百科 the intelliJ idea (community edition) IDE for compiling. When i go to run the program, it starts up the GUI and then proceeds to