after reading the post How to set event handlers via new RTTI?, I wonder if it is possible to solve this more dynamically. For example I want to set ALL event handlers of any component to nil.
In C++ I can use typeid operator to retrieve the name of any polymorphic class: const char* name = typeid( CMyClass ).name();
AFAIK the compiler does not generate RTTI if the type is not named. eg: T = 开发者_高级运维array[0..1,0..1] of Integer;
Using gcc, when I ask for an object/variable\'s type using typeid, I get a different result from the type_info::name method from what I\'d expect to get on Windows. I Googled around a bit, and found o
As 开发者_运维技巧it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references,or expertise, but this question will likely so
I\'m working on migrating an old project from Delphi 2007 to Delphi 2010.One thing I\'ve found is that the resulting executable has more than doubled in size, and the original was already quite big.(O
My C++ is a bit rusty.Here\'s what I\'m attempting to do: class Cmd { }; class CmdA : public Cmd { }; class CmdB : public Cmd { };
how to set array length in runtime ? setLength(t.GetProperty(\'Propertys\'),3); ???? unit Unit3; interface
I\'m using VS2005 and the MS implementation of STL. However, the class type_info inis declared outside of \"namespace std\". This creates some problems for third party li开发者_运维问答bs that excepts
ShowMessage(TRttiContext.Create.GetType(TStringList) .GetProperty(\'Strings\').ToString); Above code fails as .GetProperty returns nil on 开发者_Go百科properties like \"Strings\", \"Objects\", \"Val