As some of开发者_开发问答 you may know, Google Chrome has put some severe limitation on Greasemonkey scripts.
Has anybody had any luck performing cross origin XHRs from a user script in Google Chrome? The requests go through to the server (I can see them in the logs) but, the 开发者_开发知识库readystatechange
How can one extract data from a rendered web page? In which java script would update the data with time.
I want to write a user script that runs some custom JavaScript code on each <input type=\"password\"> field that gets loaded. I could register an event handler on document load to look for all i
What\'s the best way to debug custom User Scripts (aka Gre开发者_如何学Goasemonkey) in Chrome?Is there a way to enable User Script tracking in the Developer Tools?What kind of debugging do you want?Li
My past attempts at writing userscripts ended working in Firefox, but not Opera, because of subtle differences between the two browsers. Is it possible to use of those libraries that abstract the diff