Here\'s the context: $values = $form->getValues(); foreach($values as $key=>$value) { $obj->{$key} = $value;
I have a class called Type: class Type { ... } Which has a property named $value: 开发者_高级运维class Type {
I have methods that accept dicts or other objects and the names of \"fields\" to fetch from those objects. If the object is a dict then the method uses __getitem__ to retrieve the named key, or else i
I have a set of methods named like getThing($what, $extra_args) (get is always present in the name) ...and besides the normal way of calling them, I also want to be able to call them like:
I can see that Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Helper_Form_Gallery_Content::getImagesJson() and app\\design\\adminhtml\\default\\default\\template\\catalog\\product\\helper\\gallery.phtml are res
Commando need\'s help from you. I have a controller in Yii: class PageController extends Controller { public function actionSOMETHING_MAGIC($pagename) {
I\'ve been fooling with ArrayAccess and PHP\'s magic (__get, __set) for awhile now, and I\'m stuck. I\'m trying to implement a class in which some properties, which are arrays, are read only. They wi
开发者_如何学JAVAAlrighty, I\'m getting quite frustrated, namely because I thought I had this issue solved, or had accomplished this successfully before.
I\'m trying to make functions like empty() and isset() work with data returned by methods. What I have so far:
I have some code that looks something like this: <? $addr = array(\"city\" => $city, \"streetname\" => $streetname,