Using: InterBase 2007, latest interclient.jar (8.1.8), GlassFish v3 b68. I try to configure the connection pool in the web admin console page \"Edit Connection Pool\" with these settings:
I have a Rails app that I\'m trying to deploy onto Glassfish using the Glassfish gem, but it\'s unable to load the jar files I\'ve written.I\'ve tried passing the jars\' path to jruby expli开发者_如何
I have the following in a GlassFish deployed EAR, which works fine: <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection>
The same .war file deploys fine onto Glassfish v2.1.I don\'t know the last time I tried v3, but I was wanting to check out hot-deploy functionality as it\'s rumored to be working in netbeans 6.8 with
Whenever I try to set a list as a parameter for use in an IN expression I get an Illegal argument exception. Various posts on the internet seem to indicate that this is possible, but it\'s certainly n
I\'m just in search how to deploy my project to the remote Glassfish v.2 server. It\'s easily could be done by installing Glassfish server on local computer and using as-admin tool but it\'s开发者_开发
I have a query: select p from Product p Which gives me the results I expect, but one of the columns (let\'s call it massiveDescription) is big, and since I\'m querying the full list of products I w
Is there any way to extend the authentication operation which connects a client application to an EJB, using standard JAAS/container-based security? I\'m looking for a way to use more than just a user