I\'ve recently come on board with a PHP application.There has not been much design put into the app - there is a front controller, however, view, model and controller code is usually mixed together.
I wan\'t to edit the user/settings page made by s开发者_StackOverflow中文版fForkedDoctrineApplyPlugin.
I have two models : Operation and OperationHistory Operation: columns: startdate:{ type: timestamp, notnull: true }
I am currently working on a project using Symfony2 and I have no need for the Doctrine Bundle. I have tried to remove it on numerous occasions but I keep getting errors that break the install.
I am using Zend and Doctrine to login using a table containing also a foreign ID to another table. I need to get this ID in order to use it in a Doctrine query (through the controller) to the database
I was having a memory leak problem in a Doctrine2 script that was aparently caused by a piece of code that was supposed to eliminate memory problems.
Doctrine2 allows you to query using magic finders based on field names. If you have an entity named User you should able to call $repo->findOneByUsernameAndPassword() assuming that the entity has u
My query is doctirne 2.i have a status field in users,private or public.i want to be able to run this query and display all comments
I have a question about Table Inheritance in Doctrine. for an example I\'ll use 3 tables: Notification:
i generated admin in Symfony 1,4. I have there DoctrineChoice. I would like set this list select in action.class.php.