I have created an app that uses NSTimer, which gets triggered each second. My problem is that if the Iphone is in sleep mode i get a delay for 10 to 15
The following applicationWillTerminate saves the state of started, stopped, startTime and stopTime and invalidates the timer.The intent is to be able to terminate application then restore state and re
When I run my iPhone app with \"Leaks\" (which has a section for Object Alloc), my app seems to be fine for memory allocation.However, when I run it with just the ObjectAlloc tool, the memory increase
What is the meaning of this statement given? NSTim开发者_如何学JAVAer *timer ,[timer invalidate]
im working with iphone sdk and i 开发者_JS百科got to show a label when the user clik a button but after some time the label deseapear, can i do that?Use NSObject\'s performSelector: withObject: afterD
I\'m working on a simple timer app, and I\'ve created a NSStatusItem with a menu and I have some NSTextField labels that updates the timer labels (http://cld.ly/e81dqm) but when I click on the status
I am trying to run a NSTimer on a thread using iPhone SDK 3.0. I think I am doing everything correctly (new runlo开发者_开发问答op etc.). If I call [timer invalidate] on viewDidDissappear though I get
I have a snippet of code I want to execute repeatedly, but with the ability to pause and resume it.To do this, I have utilised an NSTimer, which I can stop and start as required.
I have developed an application in which I\'m running a countdown timer. The timer fires a method every second. However, when the phone is in sleep mode, the timer becomes slow or even turns off.
I need to use an NSTimer to cancel my NSURLRequest before 75 seconds (the time I measured regardless of the timeout I set). I\'m using the XMLRPC classes by Eric Czarny. The XMLRPCConnection is basica