can anybody tell me what happens if multithread program receives SIGSTOP signal during execution of 开发者_StackOverflow中文版mq_send? The man page for mq_send indicates it is implemented on top of mq
In my WPF MVVM application my model is a complex tree of Model objects wich constantly changes at runtime. Model instances come and go at runtime, change their position within the tree and of course c
I\'m writing a socket server and flash game client. The game requires real-time commands such as movement and turning. It is important for these commands to be sent by the server to the client as soon
I\'d like to ask your opinion on this. This is a theoretical question. I\'m in a situation where I have an interface shown to a user that uses AJAX to talk to the server. The server-side language doe
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I\'m writing a monitoring system that displays real-time sensor data. The sensors are arranged in a hierarchy. Sensor 1 could, for instance, have S1.1 and S1.2 as children, which could in-turn have S
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I need to do networking in uCsimm, Motorola Dragon Ball. As I\'m running uClinux with RTAI patch, and I need real-time performance, therefore all malloc and its friends are undesirable. I have the fol