I\'m using the following code to call a TaskDialog. [DllImport(\"ComCtl32\", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, PreserveSig = false)]
Sigh,I have some code from codeproject (http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/globalhook.aspx) for hooking global keyboard and mouse events. Suddenly now when I installed beta 2 of visual studio 2010 and .
I\'ve successfully read a PE header from an unmanaged module loaded into memory by another process. What I\'d like to do now is read the names of this module\'s exports. Basically, this is what I have
I\'m having trouble accessing the some string fields in a COM interface. Calling the integer fields does not result in an error. When attempting call clientID(), deviceID() or key(), I get the old \"A
I am referencing a COM structure that starts as follows: [scriptable, uuid(ae9e84b5-3e2d-457e-8fcd-5bbd2a8b832e)]
I\'m trying to use the Dl开发者_JS百科lImport attribute in the following code: [DllImport(\"grfinger.dll\",EntryPoint=\"_grstartenroll@4\")]
I\'ve never done this before, and I\'m kind of stumped as to how I would translate the datatypes into C#. Here is the function I\'m trying to import:
Is it possible, without employing pinvoke, to restart a PC using .NET? I kind of just repeated the title, but I\'m not too sure how to elaborate much further!