Q: 开发者_运维问答 I have a DataTable result from the following query: SELECT UNIQUE a.crsnum_e ,a.crsnum_e|| \'/ \' || a.crstteng crs_name, b.period , b.crscls , c.crsday , c.from_lect , c.to_le
Q: I face the following problem two weeks ago , and i don\'t know how to handle it taking the performance issues , the data integrity in consideration.
Q: I get the following exception when i try to execute the following query: INSERT INTO days(depcode,studycode,batchnum) values (3,3,4);SELECT DBINFO( \'sqlca.sqlerrd1\' )
This question is related to my previous one: RaiseError (PERL, DBI) equivalent for unixODBC C API? As I isolated the problem later, I\'ll post new question, that is more specific, isolated and withou
I ask about alternative or similar query in informix to perform the following: INSERT INTO days (depcode,studycode,batchnum) values (1,2,开发者_C百科3);SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();
I have written below code using C++ Object Interface provided by IBM. I am trying to compile that on RHEL (Linux):
Via systabnames, systabinfo and sysdbstab, it\'s fairly straightforward to produce a list of temp tables (and hash-temp sorts) and the amount of space they\'re currently consuming.
开发者_运维百科I\'m trying to extract just the year out of either of the built-in date functions of Informix
INFORMIX-SQL 4.10.DD6 (DOS): Although I\'m able to prevent users from viewing source code for perform screens and ace reports by not providing them .per and .ace files, removing SFORMBLD.EXE, SACEPRE
Q: When I use the transactions ,I\'ll get the following error on about 1 out of every 100 record. This IfxTransaction has completed; it