This IfxTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable
When I use the transactions ,I'll get the following error on about 1 out of every 100 record.
This IfxTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable
I can't expect when the error happen or what is the reason of this error.
I try to insert about 607
record in the same transaction.
My code:
public static int InsertGroups(List<Group> groups)
DBConnectionForInformix con = new DBConnectionForInformix("");
int affectedRow = -1;
Dictionary<string, string> groupsParameter = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (Group a in groups)
groupsParameter.Add("id", a.GroupId.ToString());
groupsParameter.Add("name", a.Name);
groupsParameter.Add("studentcount", a.StudentCount.ToString());
groupsParameter.Add("divisiontag", a.DivisionTag.ToString());
groupsParameter.Add("entireclass", a.EntireClass.ToString());
groupsParameter.Add("classid", a.ClassId.ToString());
groupsParameter.Add("depcode", a.DepCode.ToString());
groupsParameter.Add("studycode", a.StudyCode.ToString());
groupsParameter.Add("batchnum", a.BatchNum.ToString());
affectedRow = DBUtilities.InsertEntityWithTrans("groups", groupsParameter, con);
if (affectedRow < 0)
if (affectedRow > 0)
catch (Exception ee)
string message = ee开发者_如何学运维.Message;
return affectedRow;
public void Begin_Transaction()
if (this.connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
this.current_trans = this.connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable);
public static int InsertEntityWithTrans(string tblName, Dictionary<string, string> dtParams, DBConnectionForInformix current_conn)
int Result = -1;
string[] field_names = new string[dtParams.Count];
dtParams.Keys.CopyTo(field_names, 0);
string[] field_values = new string[dtParams.Count];
string[] field_valuesParam = new string[dtParams.Count];
dtParams.Values.CopyTo(field_values, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < field_names.Length; i++)
field_valuesParam[i] = "?";
string insertCmd = @"INSERT INTO " + tblName + " (" + string.Join(",", field_names) + ") values (" + string.Join(",", field_valuesParam) + ")";
IfxCommand com = new IfxCommand(insertCmd);
for (int j = 0; j < field_names.Length; j++)
com.Parameters.Add("?", field_values[j]);
Result = current_conn.Execute_NonQueryWithTransaction(com);
if (current_conn.connectionState == ConnectionState.Open && Result > 0)//OK: logging
# region // Log Area
catch (Exception ex)
return Result;
public int Execute_NonQueryWithTransaction(IfxCommand com)
string return_msg = "";
int return_val = -1;
com.Connection = this.connection;
com.Transaction = current_trans;
return_val = com.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (IfxException ifxEx)// Handle : mostly catched
return_val = ifxEx.Errors[0].NativeError;
return_msg = return_val.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)// Handle all other exceptions.
return_msg = ex.Message;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(return_msg))//catch error
connectionstate = ConnectionState.Closed;
return return_val;
You seem to be handling errors and rolling back the transaction in two places (in Execute_NonQueryWithTransaction
and in InsertGroups
And the return from Execute_NonQueryWithTransaction
is used both to return error codes and to return rows affected. But in InsertGroups
it is checked purely as a rows affected.
Could you have an error code from Execute_NonQueryWithTransaction
(so transaction rolled back) being treated as success (rows inserted) in InsertGroups
and the commit then fails?
Overall the code needs significant cleanup:
- A catch block to only throw is pointless and just adds noise.
- Just use exceptions for error handling, all normal returns should indicate success.