everyone. I was doing my hw about use UDP to build a whois service. Howver I encounter a problem when I execute my code.
Is it safe to use std::bind to pass a member function to boost::signals2::signal::connect()? In other words, is boost::bind and std::bind interchangeable?
I am having a small issue that I cannot solve. I am making a small server to redirect my syslog messages to it. It is very basic, but I would like to know what I did wrong cause I keep have the follow
Can the Zorba XQuery processor PHP API bind to variables declared as external within an xquery? For example this line in an xquery would bind to an external variable named $foo;
I\'m trying to store a set of std::function in a map (under GCC 4.5) I\'d like to get 2 kind of things :
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I have a form that shows/hide different info depending on which radio button you click. The code works fine in everything except IE7 (haven\'t tested IE6 but we are not supporting that anymore :) )
When using Internet Explorer and I\'d like to bind to hashchanged event, no JavaScript function is evaluated.
If I bind a socket to INADDR_ANY I know that it will accept incoming connections on any of IPs configured on the server. Lets say I have 1 IP configured when I make the bind() call开发者_StackOverflow
I\'ve written a nice function to wrap an input with increment/decrement buttons: $.fn.qDecInc = function(){