I\'m working on an assignment involving Racket and I was hoping somebody could lead me into the right direction.
I want to sum the numbers in a list without using recur开发者_如何学Csion. I know you can sum a list of numbers like this
I\'m baffled by trying to create the equivalent of this trivial (in Common Lisp) macro in MIT Scheme:
I have a problem with this example (define (+ x y) (if (= x 0) y (+ (-1+ x) (1+ y)))) What is the problem with -1+ and 1+, when i evaluate it i get this result
I\'m trying to develop a Scheme function that will take a graph as defined: (define aGraph \'{{USA {Canada Mexico}}
I\'m converting some Scheme code to Clojure. The original uses a dispatching pattern that\'s very similar to multimethods, but with an inverted approach to the matching predicates.For example, there a
why do i get exception on (redirect/get) in this program #lang web-server (require web-server/formlets web-server/page) (struct app (nm) #:mutable)
I have implemented a small lisp interpretor (sapid lisp at google code) in python and sapid lisp itself. Perhaps its main characteristic is to implement tail and mutual recursion optimization through
Im new to Scheme and trying to make function that is (in f u x), u is integer, x is a list and f binary function. The scheme expression (in + 3 \'(1 2 3)) should return 3+1+2+3=9.
I am learning Scheme and as a toy example I am doing a solution verifier (not a solver) for Towers of Hanoi.