Ok. I want to use parameterized queries to avoid dealing with embedded double or single quotes (\" or \') in my data.
[ Status: Learner ] I am attempting to implement a parameterized query but I am having problems.Jonathan Sampson recently hinted at how this could be done (#2286115), but I\'m not following his sugge
For example, I use a method Measure.doubleValue(Unit<?> unit) which returns the double value of a measurement, expressed in the specified Unit. If I pass a Unit<?> variable to it, I get th
I\'ve seen discussions about this in the past, such as here. But I\'m wondering if somewhere along the line, maybe 10g or 11g (we are using 11g), ORACLE has introduced any better support for \"paramet
I am using MySQL Connector/Net and I want to write a query against a table whose name will be specified at runtime.
I am trying to implement an inner class that has a generic parameterized type. Here is a short version of my code:
I\'m trying to configure a parameterized query to the effect of: SELECT field1 FROM myTable WHERE field2 IN (1,2,3,4)
I\'m having trouble understanding the behavior of the estimated query plans for my statement in SQL Server when a change from a parameterized query to a non-parameterized query.
I have a double precision array field dblArrayFld in a table myTable and I\'d like to update it using Spring\'s NamedParameterJdbcTemplate (I\'m using Postgres).
A coworker and I were browsing SO when we came across a question about SQL Injection, and it got us wondering: how do parametrized queries work internally?Does the API you are using (assuming it suppo