i have a xml structure of the following form to be parsed using PHP simplexml. <books> <book>
Simple question. Is it possible to add a block of HTML in a 开发者_开发百科SimpleXMLElement (or as a matter of fact, DOMDocument) node without auto-converting the HTML data into entity format?
It looks like there are many problems with simpleXML in开发者_高级运维 PHP. I\'m running the latest version of php on Windows and I just can not get the basic examples of simpleXML to work as in the d
I have some xml, lets say <names number=\"12\"></names> When I run the following: $simpleXMLElement = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
Using PHP, how do I get an entire subset of nodes from an XML document? I can retrieve something like:
Warning:main() [function.main]: Node no longer exists I am loading a ml file via simplexml_load_file, it sometimes开发者_开发技巧 has values for an attribute and sometimes does not.
I have created a XML file using PHP\'s simple XML, saved the file. When opening the file in php using fopen and printing the contents. my XML looks like this: (see below)
I have a multi-dimensional mul开发者_Go百科ti-object array from a simplexml_import_dom() function call.
Having some trouble selecting some nodes in the rss feed for twitter\'s search the rss url is here http://search.twitter.com/search.rss?q=twitfile
I need to parse the following xml document (which is coming from ext开发者_StackOverflow社区ernal web service):