Parsing XML using SimpleXML in PHP
i have a xml structure of the following form to be parsed using PHP simplexml.
<author> someone </author>
<image type="poster" url="<url>" size="cover" id="12345"/>
<image type="poster" url="<url>" size="thumb" id="12345"/>
<author> someoneelse </author>
<image type="poster" url="<url>" size="cover" id="67890"/>
<image type="poster" url="<url>" size="thumb" id="67890"/>
Suppose i want to print the title of the first book. I am able to do that using
$books = $xml->books;
$book = $books->book[0]; //Get the first book
print $book->title; //This works
But,when i try to print all the image urls for this book it does not work. The code im using is:
$books = $xml->books;
$book = $books->book[0]; //Get the first book
foreach($images as $image) //This does not work
print $image->url;
Any way to fix this problem ?
Thank You
This works for me:
foreach ($xml->book[0]->images->image as $image) {
echo $image['url'] . "\n";
See SimpleXML Basic usage.
The url is an attribute, not a child element. Try this:
print $image->attributes()->url;
Documentation here