Dear all, I now have a preliminary macro (defmacro key-if(test &key then else) `(cond (,test ,then)
I have created some of my own user packages and have run into a name clash. In Java, the naming convention is to use your domain name in the package name:
In Chapter 9 of the Little Schemer, the Author presents the following two functions (define Q (lambda (str n)
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references,or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, a
Can classes have multiple constructors and/or copy constructors in common-lisp? That is - in order to create a class for a new vector - \"vecr\" to represent 3-d vectors of real numbers, I\'d like to
I\'m trying to pass a function as an argument and call that function within another function. A piece of my code looks like this:
I learned quite a bit of scheme from SICP but am more interested in common lisp no开发者_如何转开发w. I know common lisp\'s fold is reduce, with special arguments for left or right folding, but what i
I have a very small program which opens a socket and accepts a connection. It then grabs the remote IP and port.