In my android application I have a listview which displays dynamic data according to the user query. The problem is I need to display in the footer, which Item the user currently have selected(while
Currently am loading image from drawable resource- <ImageView android:id=\"@+id/stestImg\" android:src=\"@drawable/testImg\"
How can I change the size of a FrameLayout dynamically and it\'s childs get expanded too? EDIT: So far, I got this but doesn\'t work:
I have an Android TextView.The text that the TextView contains is larger than the TextView.I would like to center the text such that both the left as well as the right sides of the text are truncated
I created a tabLayout using the TabActivity and made it positioned at the bottom instead of at the top. Now, my issue is that when the view content exceeds the boundaries it covers up the tab bar. How
Hi Guys I m new to android, so please help me with some info about,how can i fix the layout for different versions of android sdk\'s.
I know its possible to add a button to a prefernces Screeen activtiy. I read this question How to add a button to PreferenceScreen
This question already has answers here: Closed 11 years ago. Possible Duplicate: Android: How to overlay-a-bitmap/draw-over a bitmap?
I\'m using Tab Layout and I want to do two things: set the color so it won\'t be gray reduce the text size, the text doesn\'t fit.
So I\'m using layout weights to scale parts of my layout to a certain fraction of the screen, and when I try to add an empty view for padding between elements, it causes a 0-size error on the views.