I have an Oracle account (schema) of a remote Oracle database. By using this account I can do all kinds of operations such as: query, update, delete and add. But I can\'t use exp or imp. Now my questi
I\'m working with an SQL Server database with about 50 tables and plenty of relationships betwee开发者_Go百科n those tables. I have already written a backup and restore function which will retrieve al
I\'d like to use a hosted issue-tracking service, but I want to be able to backup my data in case the service goes under.
I have backed up a database into a file using SQL Server fr开发者_运维技巧om my old server. Now i would like to restore that file into a new database on my new server.
I am backing up a SQL Server Express database and then restoring on anot开发者_运维知识库her machine. For some reason the asp.net membership data is not getting transferred. Do I need to do something
I want to add \'backupp Gmail chats\' feature to Gmail Keeper at http://GmailKee开发者_运维知识库per.com
I need to backup (for debugging) some temporary files meanwhile a program running. I used to do it with rsync-ing the /var/tmp/someprogram directory with find . -iname \'blahblah\' -exec rsync -someop
does there exist a universal database backup/extract format? I\'ll explain where I\'m coming from: our application supports several database vendors, DB2, MsSql, MySql and Oracle. Currently when we r
What\'s wrong with the exec() function <?php exec(\'mysqldump --host=localhost --user=root --password="" testing > C:/Users/deleo/Desktop/newfile.sql\');