I\'m working to wrap the Minecraft server application with a Twisted Python server that has a RESTful API for getting the list of currently connected players. The Twisted app starts the minecraft serv
I can wrap my head around using a 2D Perlin noise function to generate the height value but I don\'t understand why a 3D Perlin noise function would be used. In Notch\'s blog, he mentioned using a 3D
When I call libnoise\'s getvalue function with x, y, and z as integers I always get 0 back as a result.Is this normal?When I try 1.25, 0.75, 0.5 as in the tutorial http://libnoise.sourceforge.net/tuto
I\'ve been searching for this for awhile now, and I am not sure if I am just not using the correct search terms or if the answer is really that hard to find.
So I have a process (java commandline application) that is hidden with the output and input being redirected. I can read the output very easily and that works, but when I send a command it dosen\'t wo
I am writing an init.d script and am looking to test if a returned value is greater than 1.What would be the correct syntax for \'greater than\'?
I currently have volume data for the world stored as an array of booleans. I then check each empty block and if it has non-empty neighbors the faces get drawn. This prevents me from sending a bunch of
吴德辉 2021-06-02 07:48 开发者_如何学C没人理解她这样的女人外表应该爱笑心里话不轻易泄露转眼遇到爱
I am creating a command-line client for minecraft. There is a full spec on the protocol that can be found here: http://mc.kev009.com/Protocol. To answer your question beforehand, yes I am a bit of a C
I\'m trying to control a game server and display it\'s output in real time.This is what I have so far: