i\'m using node 0.4.11 express 2.4.6 mongodb 1.8.3 mongoose 2.1.2 connect-mongodb 1.0.0 and trying to implement replica sets with authentication.
I am finding problem in defining the geo spatial index \'2d\' as shown below. Any clue as to what is going wrong ?
I would like to use findAndModify to atomically increment a field, using Mongoose. However, the code below throws the error \"TypeError: Object # has no method \'findAndModify\'\":
Below is the code uses mongoskin for mongodb access with nodejs. How do i access the callback function return value from the outside?
I have a recursively nested schema just like comments work on a blog. What is the best way to pull an individually nested document out which may be several layers deep.
i have installed mongodb (1.8.3) on two seperate servers and set them up to use \"replica sets\" as found here: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Replica+Set+Tutorial
My code is like that: SiteModel.find( {}, function(docs) { next(nu开发者_StackOverflow中文版ll, { data: docs });
I\'m having trouble grappling with variable scope withing a Node.js application I\'m making, generally I understand how variable scope works in/around a function (in this instance, anonymous callback
I am trying to insert new records in开发者_C百科to my MongoDB using Mongoose.I have the following coffeescript, iterating over an array of ad_units:
I am a newbie to the Node.js, Mongoose and Expressjs. I have tried to create a table \"feedbackdata\" using the Mongoose in MongoDB via the following code. But it is created as \"feedbackdata*s*\". By