Update: I found the solution, look in the bottom of this page... I\'ve got a Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose project written in CoffeScript and I can create and read data, but I can\'t update.
I\'ve got a Node.js, Express setup with Mongo and Mongoose written in CoffeeScript. I can save data into my collection with this code:
I\'m doing a geospatial query using a $polygon search. My query is: { \'location_latLong\': { \'$within\': {
My Schema is as follows: mongoose = require \'mongoose\' ObjectId= mongoose.Schema.ObjectId CheckinSchema = new mongoose.Schema
I have an embedded image document in my main document and I am able to update it as follows. Everytime it updates, it just overrides the existing image and does not add it to the existing images.. I t
I have a getter that looks like this : UserSchema .path(\'avatar\') .get(function(avatar){ if(!avatar){ avatar = \"defaultAvatar.jpg\";
I have the following controller/route definition in Node.js (using Express and Mongoose). What would be the leanest most appropriate way to handle Error when the user requests a page that does not exi
Using Mongoose, I have a model Page with an embedded model of Feeds. When i go to /pages, the page.title shows up for each page, but feeds data does not. how should i modify this code to properly disp
How are you handling form validation with Express and Mongoose? Are you using custom methods, some plugin, or the default errors array?
I\'m having some issues with validating an array property in Mongoose. When I use the following definition, my shouldFail method never gets called, and the record always saves.