I have scalar function which takes an integer as argument and return an integer too. I was trying t开发者_如何学Pythono use this function by passing a parameter as a select statement which looks like
I want to make a user defined function for calculating the month number from date. But the problem is that I have the months numbered as 1, 2, 3 ... and each month is of 26 days, that makes a total o
I have a table-valued function, basically a split-type function, that returns up to 4 rows per string of data.
This question already has answers here: Closed 11 years ago. Possible Duplicate: Is it possible to define more than one function per file in MATLAB?
Can we write 开发者_运维问答a user defined function to encrypt a string of text based on a key in sql server 2000? For e.g. I want to try writing a triple DES algorithm to encrypt text. How to write s
Use of function calls in where clause of stored procedure slows down performance in sql server 2005? SELECT * FROM Member M
I cant find that what i have missed in this function so its generating this ERROR some time not always ?
Here is the little example of my two worksheets. Original Sheet: As you can see, this worksheet has two cells waiting to be recalculated at the later stage. (i.e. cells with red #Eval marker)
I have some common UDFs and CFCs that I\'d like to make available to all my controllers. I\'m using Model-Glue 3. I\'ve thought of several ways of doing so:
I am using ColdFusion 9. I am outputting a chunk of text from a database to be directly into a web page. I don\'t want users to have to write HTML and screw things up. So, I am having them insert a d