Most web pages are filled with significant amounts of whitespace and other useless characters which result in wasted bandwidth for both the client and server. This is especially true with large pages
I read that the default PAGE_SIZE value of 1024 in SQLite has been chosen merely for compatiblity between different开发者_运维技巧 platforms and operatings systems.
I am implementing a turing machine (think of it as a virtual machine) in Javascript. I\'m working on a routine which is to perform the calculations as efficiently as possible (this was not a focus of
there I am trying to do some performance improvement about libfaac/libx264 encoder using ffmpeg and neon.seems successfully开发者_Python百科 compiled ffmpeg with neon support,and video encode performa
I am currently working with a set of coordinate points (longitude, latitude, about 60000 of them) and the temperature at that location. I need to do a interpolation on them to compute the values at so
Looking to understand what my EXPLAIN results mean here, and to optimize this query and my tables as best as I can.
I just read this article: And at the bottom is this statement:
I\'m implementing a motif finding algorithm from the domain of bioinformatics using Haskell. I wont go into the details of the algorithm other then to say it\'s branch and bound median string search.
I have a NewsStories tables which I\'m left joining with some related tables. Each News story can have multiple images, categories and addresses. So the query is essentially:
I am converting some code to Scala.It\'s code that sits in an inner loop with very large amounts of data so it needs to be fast, and it involves looking up keys in a hash table and computing probabili