sgap 2022-03-24 14:23 “宫花满把独相思”上一句是:“赐酒盈杯谁共持”,这是出自于 唐朝 白居易 所著的《禁中九日对菊花酒忆元九》。附《禁中九日对菊花酒忆元九》全文赏析禁中九日对菊花酒忆元九作者:白居
I wanted to use published GoogleDocs documents and twitter tweets as the datasource of a Silverlight application but ran into clientaccesspolicy issues.
I posted a similar topic for RoR, but didn\'t know how to edit my tags, so I\'m making a new one for C#...
I am trying to create a Stored Procedure that will be used for a Report and I want the 2 date parameters to have a DEFAULT value of today\'s date and 1 month prior.
This seems like a really basic scenario, but I think it doesn\'t have a happy ending. I have a simple project class:
I\'m able to update the status on my PROFILE wall using this code: require_once \'facebook-platform/php/facebook.php\';
I\'m going through a tutorial on Razor Pages and trying to add functionality on the side. I have just implemented a login/logout logic using c# within a partial view (_AccountInfoPartial.cshtml) to di