I am using CKEditor and have defined a custom toolbar in the config.js file. However, this custom toolbar does not appear when I refresh the page where I have the CKEditor appearing.
I am trying to figure out how to create a textarea with 3 buttons: bold, italic, underline. I cannot go with any WYSIWYG editor as I have tested most of them and no one fits my needs. (e.g. most are c
I am new to dojo(infact coding) and am struggling with setting the locale on the dojo editor. I have a scenario where in
I want to build a custom CMS where users a Rich text editor is the main way to create content rather than wiki markup.
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Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
I am currently working on a project in which I need to use a pin pad device for an electronic signature capture.When the electronic signature is captured, it is saved as a .bmp file.When I take the sa
See the simple application created below. I have a RichTextEditor and a RichText component. The idea is to display whatever typed in the RichTextEditor in the RichText component. Everything else (I th
When I click add image or add flash or add table button, especially when I click buttons that open a dialog box, I\'m getting this error.
I store the htmlText property of a RichTextEditor in the database. I retrieve it in another instance and I want to show the user the first line of it as plain text