I am trying to post message on facebook wall . i tried with developer.facebok and the settigns in that asking for site to which i have to link .actually am working on local now and site is not publish
have my appid and secret key from facebook and i just making some test with one acount that i create just a week ago, yesterday i started to make test posting with that account and just working fine (
Here I am Using Signed Request in facebook : http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/signed_request/
In my facebook application, I need an option, where users can add or remove the friends from a group.
I\'m currently using this code in one of my FB Apps: FB.ui({ method: \'permissions.request\', perms: \'user_website,email\',
I want to use new graph api f开发者_JAVA百科or invite to events like, EVENT_ID/invited/USER_ID1,USER_ID2
Im trying to get o other users feed in ASP.NET using Facebook CSharp API LIB, but with no sucess. The results not cover all wall posts, only external posts to that came from other users to that user
I use the FB C# sdk 5.2.from http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com/ and develop with .net 3.5, so i cannot use the dynamic, and the var type is able to get the data, but the format is so ugly and hard to ge
Is there a way to authenticate to Facebook / Twitter using basic authentication? the application I am working on requires posting to those two sites without the need t开发者_StackOverflowo open the oA
Each developer is running IIS on his own machine. We all sit in separate physical location. One developer develops the code using:http://localhost:8054/connectToFacebook.aspx