Is开发者_运维知识库 there a Haskell interpreter that accepts type definitions or preferably all kinds of statements?
If I rename the python interpreter from C:\\Python27\\python.exe to C:\\Python27\\python27.exe and run it, it will not complain.
Just read news that Google had announced an early preview of the new web programming language Dart. The docu开发者_高级运维mentation on the states:
I have trait T class C extends T compiled to .class files. And the piece of code below to load them: val loader = ScalaClassLoader fromURLs (/* List[URL] */)
I have implemented a small lisp interpretor (sapid lisp at google code) in python and sapid lisp itself. Perhaps its main characteristic is to implement tail and mutual recursion optimization through
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I\'m not entirely sure what has happened. I was debugging a script that worked \"fine\" (except for said intermittent bugs) and all of a sudden the module cannot be imported anymore. I undid all cha
Are there any JavaScript (ECMAScript) implementations wr开发者_如何学JAVAitten in pure Python? It is okay even if its implementation is very slow.Doesn\'t seem to be under active development anymore b
Is is possible to compile and execute scala code as a string at runtime either in Scala or in Java? My idea is to build a DSL using Scala then let Java prog开发者_如何转开发rammers use the DSL insid
I need a parser for an exotic programming language. I wrote a grammar for it and used a parser generator (PEGjs) to generate the parser. That works perfectly... except for one thing: macros (that repl