Hi i try to do that example http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/all-overlays.html in my django application. I use test server. To access roads.json file in urls.py i wrote
I create an android app which connect runners in closed proximity. I used a Tornado ServerWeb (Python) and a No-SQL database.
I was going to use the Polymaps.org library (combined with Protovis) to create a nic开发者_运维知识库e vector based world map.However, there example (http://polymaps.org/ex/world.html) uses a GeoJSON
Has anyone had a play with the Polymaps.org KML parser? To me it seems the example doesn\'t even work.
I want to use geoJSON-formatted Data in my iPhone app. THere is a JSON parser but no geoJason 开发者_开发技巧parser. Anyone can please help me? How do I have to edit the JSON parser to get geoJSON par
I use Go and Resty to make a GET Request, which returns the data as JSON like this: [{"id":12548,"geom":"{\\"type\\": \\"LineString\\", \\"coordinates