I\'m using Rails 3.1 and SCSS in the Asset Pipeline. Is there anyway to access Rails helpers or controller data in the SCSS file? Something like...
How can I deploy my precompiled assets of Rails 3.1 pipeline to s3? I need a task to automate this syncing work with my assets bucket.
Sprockets tends to be quite verbose in the (dev) log by default under Ruby on Rails 3.1 (RC1): Started GET \"/assets/application.css\" for at 2011-06-10 17:30:45 -0400
I am trying to convert an existing app to the new 3.1 asset pipeline layout, and want to include a lot of vendor files that have to be in a specific order, (underscore.js and backbone being one pair).
How should one provide assets in an engine in Rails 3.1? Where should they be located and can they be included automatically?
How to generate random numbers between two doubles in c++ , these numbers should 开发者_JAVA技巧look like xxxxx,yyyyy .Here\'s how