I have a call to TraceSource.TraceEvent() that is sometimes not writing to the Azure Diagnostics logs.
We are having problems getting Windows Azure Diagnostics to reliably log. It seems hit-or-miss and we don\'t understand why.
in my Azure app I have Trace.WriteLine() calls sprinkled about to track what the application is doing.
I\'m developing an Azure WorkerRole(). In the Compute Emulator console, I see all Trace.WriteLine() messages, but only those generated in OnStart() seem to be persisted into storage.
I\'ve written a small piece of code whereby on different button click different types of logging data would be collected. However, when i run the piece of code, usualy the logged data is not reflected
I\'ve read conflicting information as to whether or not the WADLogsTable table used by the DiagnosticMonitor in Windows Azure will automatically prune old log entries.
We\'re using DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener as a general trace listener (primarily for for ASP.NET Health Monitoring) as well as an Enterprise Library 5 listener for exception handling. This works wel
Reading MSDN I got an impression that the account used for storing Azure Diagnostics is configured like this:
I\'m sure I have missed something simple but I can\'t get simple Trace.WriteLine to work on Azure. Steps I have taken:
I would like to know is there any upper limit for the number of rows in the Azure Table storage. I am asking this question as I have turned on the diagnostics monitoring and moving the logs to the WA