Should be simple enough; I literally want to send an int to the a SourceModule kernel declaration, where the C function
PyCUDA\'s documentation mentions Driver Interface calls in passing, but I\'m a bit think and can\'t see how to get information such as \'SHARED_SIZE_BYTES\' out of my code.
I\'ve got a large chunk of generated data (A[i,j,k]) on the device, but I only need one \'slice\' of A[i,:,:], and in regular CUDA this could be easily accomplished with some pointer arithmetic.
The PyCUDA documentation is a bit light on examples for those of us in the \'Non-Guru\' class, but I\'m wondering about the operations available for array operations on gpuarrays, ie. if I wanted to g
Two problems I\'m having with copperhead at the minute, which I suspect are related. Running a sample file (samples/ generated lots of little warnings, but this one stood out.
Something that isn\'t really mentioned anywhere (at least that I can see) is what library functions are exposed to inline CUDA kernels.
I am in a project to process an image using CUDA. The project is simply an addition or subtraction of the image.
I\'ve got this php code and I\'d like to get the exact equivalent C# $ivSize = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_192, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);