I have a model RESOURCE. It have Association with Allocation. I am using Simple_form_for gem .I want display Resource name and his role to identify it uniquely in myu resource_vteam_allocation form. I
This is my ruby code: <%= simple_form_for([@video, @video.comments.new]) do |f| %> <% f.association :comment_title %>
Suppose you have the following Child class: Child < AR belongs_to :parent end Which is associated to a Parent class:
How can I change the size and max allowed characters for a field using Simple Forms.I\'ve tried following but does not work:
Many form fields (and form builders - simple_form, formtastic) use \'Hints\' to explain more about the field. I will be using hints in the form and the show view (multiple places), so I want to store
<%= f.association :opportunity_status, :label => \"Status\", :input_html => {} %> <%= f.select :source_type, options_for_select([\"lead\",\"vteam\"],[\"lead\"]) %>
I have a static string variable which i need to change possibly depending on the HTTP protocol. Is it bad practice to change the static string variable>
I would like to assign two different \"types\" of tags (sector categories and free tagging) to a Company model using acts_as_taggable_on. NB: I\'m new to RoR!
In JCR 1 you could do: final InputStream in = zip.getInputStream(zip.getEntry(zipEntryName)); node.setProperty(JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT, in);