With the following Store and Service models, managed with MongoMapper: class Store include MongoMapper::Document
I have a problem with 3 levels nesting of models in CanCan combined with Inherited Resources. I\'ve read that we should nest everything up to 2 levels, but I had to put everything under account model
i have rails3 app with declarative_authorization and inherited_resources gems installed. Let me show you some code from my app:
I am new to using inherited resources and want to use it for polymorphic nested comments.I have several objects that will be
There are conflict with inherited_resources and Ryan Bates\'s cancan gem. I have some simple controller
360U3204647055 2022-04-27 23:39 别墅的装修这一块,我想大家都是清楚的,动辄就是几十万的支出,还是相对较少的支出,很多业主都不清楚这几十万到底用在了哪些地方,其实别墅装修的费用很好计算,可以根据自身