I\'m using YUI 2\'s calendar in YUI 3.How does it load Sam\'s skin CSS? I didn\'t manually include it (though it seems like I should so the user can download it in the one request I make to the combo
I have a method for reading JSON from a service, I\'m using Gson to do my serialization and have written the following method using type parameters.
I\'m adding a ckeditor to my form using the onclick functionality - i.e., when the user clicks a button, the ckeditor is added to the form.
When I run FindBugs on this code, it reports NO issues. boolean _closed = false; public void m1(@Nullable String text) {
I have a strange problem with the page I\'m designing.I have a link like this: <a id=\"asel1\" runat=\"server\" href=\"#\"><img id=\"isel1\" runat=\"server\" src=\"/Images/selbar/1.jpg\" /&g
I created this code to resize photos/images to fit the screen, considering the space available for the nav bar.
I\'m uploading a file from an iPhone to a server with an HTTP POST, and monitoring the progress in NSURLConnection\'s connection:didSendBodyData:totalBytesWritten:totalBytesExpectedToWrite. The proble
I am new to xml and unable to find a way to get content in between tags. My XML file is <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>